Native vs WebView: What to choose for your news app?

Should you go with a fully native app or use WebViews in your native app? Let's take a closer look at what the difference is and their various pros and cons.

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In the dynamic world of app development, the debate between developing a pure native app or using a native app with a WebView is a crucial decision for media companies when creating news apps. Each approach has its own set of advantages and challenges, and the best choice depends on your specific needs and resources.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into what native apps and WebViews are and explore the pros and cons of both to help you make an informed decision for your next news app project.


Understanding native apps and WebViews


Native apps: Native apps are built specifically for a particular operating system (iOS or Android) using platform-specific programming languages. These apps have direct access to device features and are designed to provide the best performance and user experience tailored to the operating system.

WebView: WebViews, on the other hand, are exactly what they sound like: a small view of a piece of web content within a native app. Essentially, a WebView app is a mobile-friendly website embedded in a mobile app. This means that a WebView app loads content from a web page and displays it in a browser-like interface within the app.

Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of having a fully native app and embedding WebViews in your native app.


Pros and cons of fully native apps


  1. Optimal performance: Native apps are optimized for the operating system they run on, resulting in faster performance and smoother interactions.
  2. Enhanced user experience: With access to the full range of device features and UI components, native apps can provide a more intuitive and engaging user experience.
  3. Integration with device features: Native apps can leverage device-specific features like Text-to-Speech and bookmarks.
  4. Greater stability: Native apps are more stable. Our servers at Vitec Visiolink are always up and running, so we can always ensure that the ePaper is delivered. That way, users will never experience opening an app where the newspaper hasn't been published.
  5. Offline functionality: Native apps often have better offline capabilities, which can be crucial for apps that need to work without a connection to the internet.


  1. Longer development time: Building and maintaining two separate apps (iOS and Android) can be more time-consuming compared to a single WebView.
  2. Requires specialized knowledge: Developing native apps often requires in-depth knowledge of platform-specific languages and tools.

Pros and cons of WebViews in your native app 


  1. Agility: Updates can be made to the web content without needing to push updates through app stores, allowing for quicker content changes. In other words, you only need to refresh the website that is displayed and not the app, because the app only displays a website window.
  2. Autonomy: Having a WebView app gives you a higher degree of control over some things yourself. This means you can make some changes yourself because the content is only displayed in the app, not built into it.


  1. Performance limitations: WebView apps often suffer from slower performance (loading speed e.g.) compared to fully native apps, as they don't have the same level of optimization and direct access to device hardware.
  2. Reduced user experience: The user experience in WebViews may not feel as seamless and responsive as in native apps, potentially leading to lower user satisfaction and an inferior product.
  3. Limited access to device features: WebViews have restricted access to device-specific features and functionalities, which can limit the app's capabilities and the ability to engage your users.
  4. Stability issues: WebViews can be less stable due to dependency on web content and the underlying browser engine. Changes in the web environment or browser updates can introduce bugs or instability.


Making the right choice for your digital publishing solution


When deciding between fully native and using WebViews for your news app, consider the following factors:

  1. User experience expectations: For a news app, user experience is essential. Native apps generally offer a more polished and responsive experience, which can keep your readers engaged and satisfied.
  2. Access to device features: If your app requires extensive use of device features like Text-to-Speech and bookmarks, a native approach would be more suitable.
  3. Autonomy or support: If you would like a higher degree of control over things yourself, a WebView can be an obvious solution, but it also means that the responsibility for solving bugs and errors lies with you. If stability and support are more important, it would be ideal to choose a native app, such as ours, where we would solve any issues that occur in the app.



Both native and WebView approaches have their own merits and can be the right choice depending on your specific needs. For a news app, where performance and user experience are critical, a fully native app often provides the best results and delivers the best product for your end users. However, if agility and autonomy are more crucial for your publishing business, the use of WebViews can be a viable alternative.

If you would like to discuss what would be the best solution for your digital publishing platform, feel free to reach out to one of our Business Developers.