Business Intelligence

The key to your digital success is in your data

Collect data from your news content

Our digital publishing platform offers endless options to track readers' engagement, usage patterns and preferences.

But not only that. For the first time ever you can learn what people are actually reading in your print edition thanks to our adaptive, cross-platform tracking system.

The trick is knowing what to track and how to set it up. We help you set up the right metrics in Google Analytics 4 and make sure that your ePaper data is included in your existing Data Management Platforms to get a full understanding of your readers.

Understand your data

Data can enrich your digital business, but only if you know how to put it into use. 

If you're able to find the right loyalty drivers and identify churn behavior, then you're in a very lucrative position. 

You can capitalize solely on raw data or we can make it manageable by visualizing the data through appetizing dashboards in Data Studio and similar tools. 

This way, you get an intelligible overview of you data - ready for you to exploit in the daily editorial decision making. 

Capitalize on your knowledge

Working systematically with data will help you understand your segments and how to approach them. Outcome? Loyal readers.

Use your profound knowledge in marketing initiatives to onboard new readers and prevent current ones from churning. 

We won't promise that you can predict the future, but the knowledge you gain from working with data will undoubtedly make your ePaper a better and more profitable product.

Contact us

Would you like to hear more about our solutions? If you have any questions or need support, please write to us or give us a call.
